Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sacramento Food Bank

This past Saturday was another day of service. We drove into Sacramento and had a special ceremony to celebrate the first ever 'Sacramento Day of Service'. A panel of volunteer coordinators spoke to us about the importance of service and how happy the Sacramento community is to have AmeriCorps volunteers. Everyone was so grateful for what we are doing (or are about to do). Each individual on the panel was bit by the service bug young and explained that it was something that never leaves you... we'll see I guess...
All of the projects that our various teams were working on today focused on the issue of homelessness. At the morning ceremony, the panelists touched on issues such as the growing number of homeless women and children, the fact that over 1/3 of homeless people in America battle a mental disorder, and the ever constant startling number of Vietnam War veterans who never recovered from war related impairments. One panelist was a man who had spent 12 years of his life homeless and addicted to drugs.

Some teams went to shelters, others went to soup kitchens, and mine was sent to a food bank.

We were sent to the Sacramento Food Bank to help them prepare for their largest fund raiser, The Run For Life. They had about 250 large blue barrels stacked up, which needed to be power-washed before used to collect non-perishable items during the marathon.

Once again, my pod had to embrace getting filthy and sweaty in order to finish our job. Though it was a little disorganized and flustered, the program we were assisting is wonderful and we were happy to help.

Now thats commitment!

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